Replace the “I” with a “WE” so that your Illness becomes your Wellness!
Let us Help you - Call us!
Contact Us
Our Ears are the avenue to your Hearts – Call us!
Opening Hours
8am – 8pm
Pearl 4913 Bldg. 8th Floor, Adlieh Roundabout, Beirut, Lebanon.
Replace the “I” with a “WE” so that your Illness becomes your Wellness!
Let us Help you – Call us!

Allopathic Alternative Clinic – AAC
Pearl 4913 Bldg. next to VAT – Lebanese Ministry of Finance Bldg., 8th floor, Adlieh Roundabout - Pierre Gemayel Blvd, Ashrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon.

Your Eyes are the avenue to Our Hearts
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Reach us and Follow our pages on Social Media for the latest updates and Comments!